Dennis Graeser. A passionate amateur photographer. Welcome to a special blog. #dgraesershots

Make unremarkable things visible.
Things one cannot see.
Make unremarkable things visible.
Things one cannot see.

You've come to the right place to contribute

Greetings and welcome. It’s so great that you found your way here. As you already know, this website is intended to be more than just another portfolio of pictures. I want to connect texts with images. For more information click here.
Anyway, this gives me a lot of pleasure at the time.
And I don’t wanna withhold this pleasure from anyone. Besides, working together is of course much nicer than sitting alone in my dark chamber the whole time.

What is that supposed to mean in detail?

I’m basically willing to let you write articles on my website as a guest author. The content of your contribution should of course fit into the concept of the website. Images should also meet some standard as well.
In order to coordinate and harmonize with each other, the first step would be a simple mail contact. Here we can philosophize about the planned contents and talk about the next steps.

Sounds like a plan? Be brave and let me hear about your ideas. Let’s turn them into articles. Just copy the following address into your favorite mail app and go ahead.

message at

A quick side note on data protection: I will not save your email address. When conversation is finished, mails will be deleted.

More articles are found in the archives | Scroll up to the top

I appreciate the visit. Thanks a thousand times! I cannot wait to welcome you in the future again.
You like them stories and pictures of mine? Please let me announce some news once in a while. Be brave and let me know your email address.
A lack of conviction can be eliminated here.

Apart from that, legal information about this website including data protection can be found here.
Was there something more? Yes right, do recommend this thrilling blog to your friends. You'll make the world a better place. Trust me with this.
Pweh. I wish each of you all the best. XOXO.


Post scriptum: Via the contentcloud you can find all website contents instantaneous.
In case I'm talking to a machine right now, please follow this link here.

I appreciate the visit. Thanks a thousand times! I cannot wait to welcome you in the future again.
You like what you see? Let me announce some news once in a while. Be brave and let me know your email address.
A lack of conviction can be eliminated here.

Apart from that, legal information about this website including data protection can be found here.
And please do recommend this thrilling blog to your friends. You'll make the world a better place. Trust me with this.
Pweh. I wish each of you all the best. XOXO.


Post scriptum: Via the contentcloud you can find all website contents instantaneous.
In case I'm talking to a machine right now, please follow this link here.

More content in the archive | Scroll up to the top

Thank you for your visit. I cannot wait to welcome you again.
Like them stories and my pictures:
Then let me announce some news once in a while. A lack of conviction can be eliminated here.
Some information about data protection is to be found here.
Please recommend this blog to your friends. You'll make the
world a better place. I wish the best. XOXO.


Post scriptum: Find all website content via the contentcloud.
In case I am talking to a machine, please do follow that path.