Dennis Graeser. A passionate amateur photographer. Welcome to a special blog. #dgraesershots

Make unremarkable things visible.
Things one cannot see.
Make unremarkable things visible.
Things one cannot see.

Catch up a notch

Them pictures may be a bit older, but they were able to mature like a serious wine.

Article pubilshed on 2020/12/24
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It has snowed quite heavily here in Wiesbaden at the beginning of December. You can find out how I was able to predict this phenomenon so precisely months ago by following this link.
For all them folks who were stuck in their home offices at this time, this was of course pleasant: Outside the snow was quietly trickling, inside it was nice and cozy due to a warm tea and subtle lighting. That’s where Christmas atmosphere kicks in.
What could be more beautiful?
The answer’s obvious: Roam the magical landscape outside with the beloved camera and shoot some exciting images! Who would have thought. In that case, our cup of tea probably had to get cold, unfortunately.
But the following two pictures are not from this year. To the mentioned outbreak of winter there will be a separate article, promised. These pictures are from 2017, so they’re already a few years old.

In my early days, I was quite inexperienced and naive. I was also still young then, but that’s just a negligible side note.
At that time I was strongly convinced that I take new photographs, sort them out and edit them straight away, publish suitable candidates on the website with a nice text and then dedicate myself to the next big project. In sequence, one after the other.
So far so theoretical. There was one little mistake in thinking: Life also takes place.

As you can imagine, new projects and events cannot always be planned in advance, things can get out of hand and, above all, there are other things to do besides photography.
I obviously didn’t know that at the time.
And so it happens that I’m currently spending my time trying to get a little bit back on track with my current photography backlog.
At least I was so smart to put potential candidates for a post like this aside. So the pictures may be a bit older, but in the meantime they were able to mature, like a serious wine.



Last but not least, let’s hope that this winter will be a cold one. Of course, it has advantages when it’s not that cold: You wouldn’t have to freeze, your car still starts without problems.
But the disadvantages would also be evident:
To mention here are our dear mosquitoes, which thus unfortunately would not die a painful death, to name just one example.
Let us not complain about the weather, as some people do.

With that said, the last article for this year comes to an end.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas! Take care of yourself and stay healthy.


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Pweh. I wish each of you all the best. XOXO.


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