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Make unremarkable things visible.
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About that wide range of reasons to be a part of church.

Article pubilshed on 2023/10/22
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You don’t talk about politics and religion.
There is only quarrels and disagreement.
An old peasant’s rule, nevertheless, our old gentlemen drift again and again into this drawer after one or the other beer.
But is the church really out of date, the concept obsolete?
Many fundamental questions that seemed inexplicable to the people of earlier times can now be answered by science.
Is this really the point.
Where minds are at odds: Are there supernatural forces, is there a God or fate? Are we free in our decisions or externally determined?
Are we rewarded for good deeds and punished for bad ones or is it all the self-fulfilling prophecy?
Some believe in karma. Some believe in Star Wars, may the force be with them.
Some believe in themselves. You should believe in yourself, right?
Some soccer players superstitiously enter that play field only with their left foot.
Whatever it is, in the end, we all believe in something?
Faith gives hope, courage and new energy.
Is this really the point.
Tales and commandments written down in the Bible, represent Christian values.
Values like mercy, charity. Commandments like, thou shalt not steal. Principles of a society of timeless validity, aren’t they? Is this what it’s all about?

For many it’s all about community. In a community you are not alone, you find like-minded people. Interest groups where everyone can get involved and is welcome.




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