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Things one cannot see.
Make unremarkable things visible.
Things one cannot see.

Eerie mutation down at them fields

I can see something gaudy that pulsates purple. What in hell is this thing.

Article pubilshed on 2020/10/25
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Slowly the fog wafts through the streets. It makes its way through the yellow light beams of the street lighting. Apart from occasional crows of some ravens it is pretty quiet this night.
There is no wind, the air stands still.
This fog feels quite cool on the skin.
Everything seems to be peaceful as I stroll along.
Then a shiver crawls down my back when I see something glowing in the back of the fields.
Feels really unusual for this time of the day. I wonder what I am doing out here after all.
I’d better be at home.
But my curiosity doesn’t let me go. Something is very wrong.
I decide to go into the darkness towards the pumpkin fields, away from them illuminated streets.
With every step it feels cooler and cooler, out here there’s nothing but cold.
Then all of a sudden I get a huge fright. I slipped on the wet and muddy paths and almost fall to the ground. This would not have happened if I could see enough.
I hear some ravens rising into the air next to me.
The closer I get to the light source, the better I can recognize its colors: A gaudy purple that pulsates. But what is this thing?
With my smartphone I light up the rest of the way. Meanwhile the fog gets denser and denser, the ravens around me get louder and louder. I have the feeling that they’ve become much more.
Where do these animals come from, normally we never have so many of them here.
Leaving the path, I enter the field and walk through common pumpkins to that lights source.
The soundscape continues to increase, I am full of adrenalin.
Then my smartphone’s flashlight starts to flicker. A short moment later my phone is dead. At the same time a whistling and deafening blast of wind comes up. I have no idea what is happening, I close my eyes. Then it’s quiet. Dead quiet.
Carefully I open my eyes again. An owl hoots at me, the fog completely disappeared.
Now I see clearly. One of them pumpkins has mutated. Happy Halloween.




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