Dennis Graeser. A passionate amateur photographer. Welcome to a special blog. #dgraesershots

Make unremarkable things visible.
Things one cannot see.
Make unremarkable things visible.
Things one cannot see.

A light-hearted approach.

How about approaching in a calm manner and with light-heartedness for a change?

Article pubilshed on 2022/01/15
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A new year has begun. Incredible how quickly time has passed, isn’t it? But no wonder, well-known catalysts had struck again. Perhaps you wanna follow that link, or this one here.
Due to that current situation, in terms of world events I mean, one could basically repeat the same words that were said last year.
But what if we start this year differently? Because, you know, we’re better than the rest of the people out there.
What if, instead of old worries and fears, instead of well-intentioned but as always unrealistic resolutions, we’d approached 2022 with light-heartedness for a change.
What if we take the new year in a calm manner and not tie our happiness to conditions over which we have not much control anyway? So without dependencies, without expectations and without pressure and no stress.
Just imagine we would not let ourselves be brought from our center by disturbing news, rumors or theses, nor by constant overthinking or negatively interpreting of words.
What if we would not give away the power over ourselves and our emotions all the time but keep it instead, with ourselves?

One would probably be able to look forward to 2022. Let’s give it a try. With that in mind, here’s to a wonderful and stress-free year! Cheers!!


PS: In the last post I had spoken of a Big Bang!!
Now, have you already noticed something? The website shines in new splendor just in time for the turn of the years.
In accordance with the current article, ballasts were dropped and lightness was emphasized:
I held on to those specific DGRAESER SHOTS purple all the time, even though I knew it could distract from pictures and stories.
I want the website and its design to fade more into the background showing off the contents somewhat better.
Let me hear your thoughts on this.


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Was there something more? Yes right, do recommend this thrilling blog to your friends. You'll make the world a better place. Trust me with this.
Pweh. I wish each of you all the best. XOXO.


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I appreciate the visit. Thanks a thousand times! I cannot wait to welcome you in the future again.
You like what you see? Let me announce some news once in a while. Be brave and let me know your email address.
A lack of conviction can be eliminated here.

Apart from that, legal information about this website including data protection can be found here.
And please do recommend this thrilling blog to your friends. You'll make the world a better place. Trust me with this.
Pweh. I wish each of you all the best. XOXO.


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Thank you for your visit. I cannot wait to welcome you again.
Like them stories and my pictures:
Then let me announce some news once in a while. A lack of conviction can be eliminated here.
Some information about data protection is to be found here.
Please recommend this blog to your friends. You'll make the
world a better place. I wish the best. XOXO.


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