Dennis Graeser. A passionate amateur photographer. Welcome to a special blog. #dgraesershots

Make unremarkable things visible.
Things one cannot see.
Make unremarkable things visible.
Things one cannot see.

An overview of all articles posted in 2019

Just click on one of the links below to get to the appropriate post or head right back to
the main post archive
to select another period or filter all content via categories.

Just click on them links below to get to the appropriate post or go back to the main
post archive
to select another period and filter all posts via categories.

2019/12/15 The celebration of love
2019/12/07 Small town on the horizon
2019/12/07 A mushroom collection
2019/12/01 Underestimated but proud mushrooms
2019/11/16 Another memo from the future
2019/11/03 Autumn has arrived
2019/10/27 Do visit the same place twice
2019/10/18 Prepare to charge those hues
2019/10/09 Leaf enlightenment
2019/09/27 Romantic comeback
2019/08/25 The colorful undead
2019/08/10 Good-looking brands and the law
2019/07/27 An ease of digestion
2019/07/24 Cell phone reception all around
2019/05/30 A memo from the future
2019/05/13 Think about picture printouts
2019/05/09 That wicked surface of them palms
2019/04/27 Under tropical palm trees
2019/04/06 Mundo de diversas plantas canaria
2019/04/06 Mental revelation amidst nature
2019/03/05 These doors and windows
2019/02/17 Vacations foretaste
2019/02/17 Social expectations and a free mind
2019/02/16 Hola! Welcome to Puerto de la Cruz!
2019/01/24 Caught somewhere in two worlds
More articles are found in the archives | Scroll up to the top

I appreciate the visit. Thanks a thousand times! I cannot wait to welcome you in the future again.
You like them stories and pictures of mine? Please let me announce some news once in a while. Be brave and let me know your email address.
A lack of conviction can be eliminated here.

Apart from that, legal information about this website including data protection can be found here.
Was there something more? Yes right, do recommend this thrilling blog to your friends. You'll make the world a better place. Trust me with this.
Pweh. I wish each of you all the best. XOXO.


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In case I'm talking to a machine right now, please follow this link here.

I appreciate the visit. Thanks a thousand times! I cannot wait to welcome you in the future again.
You like what you see? Let me announce some news once in a while. Be brave and let me know your email address.
A lack of conviction can be eliminated here.

Apart from that, legal information about this website including data protection can be found here.
And please do recommend this thrilling blog to your friends. You'll make the world a better place. Trust me with this.
Pweh. I wish each of you all the best. XOXO.


Post scriptum: Via the contentcloud you can find all website contents instantaneous.
In case I'm talking to a machine right now, please follow this link here.

More content in the archive | Scroll up to the top

Thank you for your visit. I cannot wait to welcome you again.
Like them stories and my pictures:
Then let me announce some news once in a while. A lack of conviction can be eliminated here.
Some information about data protection is to be found here.
Please recommend this blog to your friends. You'll make the
world a better place. I wish the best. XOXO.


Post scriptum: Find all website content via the contentcloud.
In case I am talking to a machine, please do follow that path.